पुण्यतिल ५ मनाचे गणपती

5 Manache Ganpati

Many of us don't know which are the Manache Ganpati?? If we ask people many of the time we get wrong answers. Many people have question in their mind which are the 5 Manache Ganpati and why are they called???

So this is the answer to all of those having above question. There are 5 Manache Ganpati in Pune. Those are namely as mentioned -
1) Kasba Ganpati
2) Tambdi Jogeshwari Ganpati
3) Guruji Talim Ganpati
4) Tulsibaug Ganpati
5) Kesriwada Ganpati
Basically the Ganesh festival was celebrated since Shivaji Maharaj period. The festive was that much older. But it was celebrated in particular homes and not publically. These 5 Ganpati were from that period. So they have given first respect. These Ganpati have there own history with them, so also they are in first 5 and are called Manache Ganpati. As we know Bal Gandadhar Tilak gave this festival a big platform and made it 'Sarvajanik' (means publical). So he gave the order of 5 as Manache Ganpati as per there history.
Hope you are now got the clear idea & information about the 5 'Manache Ganpati'. Now let's go in detail the 5 Ganpati.

These are all five Manache Ganpati of Pune & there importance.Till today the 'Sarvjanik Ganeshostav' has completed its 125 years, so as the Pune Ganpati Festival.
