गुरुजी तालीम गणपती

Guruji Talim - ( Third Manacha Ganpati) -

This Ganpati has most importance. This Ganpati is also been worshiped before the sarvajanik Ganeshostav was started. The Ganpati Mandal was established in 1887 in Ganpati Chowk, Laxmi Road. The Ganpati was been started by few Hindu and Muslim followers, Nanasaheb Khasgirale, Pandurang Shinde and Shaikh Kasam Valladh, all were the wrestler. So the name was given from Talim & the idol was kept to worshiped in Talim itself. After few years the Ganpati was kept to worshiped in Ganpati chowk on Laxmi Road. The Ganpati till date spreads symbol of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood. Therefore the importance is more. The idol of Lord Ganesh looks very beautiful with Ganesh sitting on a mouse.The Ganpati is worshiped by wrestler so the idol looks like wrestler of Talim. This mandal recently made a new idol from fiber which is same as the replica of first. This is the first to establish as mandal. This is the mandal to use Gulal in Miravanuk. Also this is the first to complete 100 years as a mandal. This Ganpati is ranked third in Manache Ganpati. 
